QRK5 is my personal/art zine with content pulled from my notebooks,
sketchbooks, photo archives, paintings and prints. The first three issues were published
under the title, A Long Way Down. I abandoned that title as it is taken by a
novel and a feature film. From the forth issue, I switched to QRK5, which is
morse code shorthand
for read you loud and clear.
Also, for the record, QRK5 is pronounced cue are kay five
Back Issues
First Printing, Nov 2023First Printing, Oct 2023First Printing, Feb 2023First Printing, Sept 2022First Printing, April 2022First Printing, July 2021First Printing, Nov 2020First Printing, April 2020
Issue 14: A Split Zine with Billy McCall's Proof I Exist. Two zines in one!
Issue 13: The Scary Issue, Keneth Anger's Lucifer Rising and Stella Stevens
Issue 12: The Digital Issue, cell phone photos and iPad drawings
Issue 11: The Analog Issue, 35mm test rolls from vintage Pentax cameras
Issue 10: Sold Out 3-D photography and illustrations, Ed-o-Vision, Port St. Joe
Issue 9: Face Forward paintings, Infrared Photography, The LA Bike Path
Issue 8: Close to Home alternates, A Blessing, Limited Palette
Issue 7: Sold Out Hurricane Michael, Star Charts, Face Forward Portraits
Issue 6: Toy Camera Photography, Flour vs Wheat
Issue 5: My pinhole photography
Issue 4: Sold Out RedBubble stickers, 'Gone with the Wind' post-Charlottesville
Issue 3: Sold Out Desire and Gas Receipts, Vampire Tiki's flower
Issue 2: Sold Out My life drawing progress or lack of it
Issue 1: Sold Out An open letter to a Starbucks' manager, pulp movie reviews
Want One?
See something you like? QRK5 is for sale or trade. Email me at the link below and I
will be happy to arrange a swap or sale. Most back issues go for 2 to 5 US dollars with
free postage in the United States.